The state of Georgia takes a tough stance on prostitution, with a conviction of prostitution leading to heavy fines and jail time. It can also have an immediate negative impact on your personal and professional reputation. Even the suspicion of prostitution can irreparably damage your future, which is why it is essential to work with the right legal team as soon as you believe that you might be charged.
A DeKalb County prostitution lawyer has the experience necessary to stand up for your rights. One of our skilled criminal defense attorneys could work with you to mount a vigorous defense and make sure that you receive fair treatment from the judicial system.
Georgia Code § 16-6-9 to 17 sets forth strict laws prohibiting prostitution and related criminal activities. Under that statute, the following actions are considered sex crimes that are forbidden:
In a prostitution case, the prosecution generally needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant engaged in a sexual act or agreed or offered to engage in that sexual act in exchange for a gift or service in return. A local prostitution lawyer could help defend someone by establishing that there was no concrete evidence of that exchange of money. They could also attempt to cast doubt on the prosecution’s claim of prostitution by demonstrating that the act in question was an act between two consenting adults.
A prostitution conviction could wreak havoc on all aspects of a defendant’s life. The sooner a defendant reaches out to hire a DeKalb County prostitution attorney, the better the odds are for a favorable outcome. A lawyer’s goal is to mount an aggressive defense that causes the case to resolve favorably at the earliest possible stage. The following are some of the outcomes that might be possible with the aid of a legal professional:
An attorney could explain the details and the procedures of the case and could perform a thorough investigation to look for exculpatory and mitigating evidence.
A prostitution conviction could result in harsh criminal penalties and a black mark on your reputation. However, there are numerous ways it could be defended in court. Reach out to a trusted DeKalb County prostitution lawyer who could aggressively defend you and protect your rights. Talk with someone from our team today.